

New Zealand is growing and demand for housing is increasing. This demand places increase pressure on Council storm water systems. In addition, the transmission of water from the roofs of new buildings to waterways via pipes is a recipe for flooding from concentration.

Councils are increasingly adjusting to this by requiring on site attenuation systems. The sizing of a system is usually via a formula prescribed in compliance document E1-VM1, although some councils have their own specific requirements. The formula incorporates data obtained from a soakage test. The requirements for the test are also prescribed in the compliance document.

Councils are beginning to require evidential testing and reports specifying the proposed soakage system to meet the requirements of the development.

These new requirements spawned a concept for a new electronic system to fully automate the soakage test requirement of E1-VM1.

After months of development and testing, we now have available a reliable system able to satisfy the requirement of councils (Patent Pending).

What does the testing involve

Firstly the system will attempt to establish a GPS fix from which the date and time can be obtained.

Then it will commence the fill cycle keeping the hole full for 4 hours.

It will record the time it takes for the water level to drop in 50mm increments, and transmits the data to Soakage Test Systems Ltd.

The data produced from each test is transmitted exclusively to Soakage Test Services Ltd. In this way we can ensure the data is not tampered with and you receive accurate results.

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